The number of companies incorporating GPS tracking technology in their operation has increased in recent years. There are several reasons for this. GPS tracking and technology have come a long way. Companies can now utilize good fleet management software that integrates GPS in various ways. There are several advantages that installing a GPS on your fleet can give. One of the advantages is how it can drastically improve business efficiency, lower costs and, in effect, increase profits for the organization. Better planning and improved customer service are also a direct result of incorporating tracking technology for the fleet.
Here are ways how GPS tracking can improve business efficiency:
1. Fuel Costs Reduction
Increasing fuel costs is one challenge that companies constantly face. Fuel costs, especially in recent months, have drastically increased. For a company to keep profitable, managing fuel consumption is vital. Adopting GPS and fleet managing technology such as those provided by Guardian SEA can help an organization reduce fuel costs by tracking if the vehicles are efficient. Vehicle Idling times are one cause of inefficient fuel use. Data shows that an hour of idling can consume up to about 1/5th of a gallon of gas. Aggressive driving also causes higher fuel costs. Aggressive driving can lower miles per gallon by about 15 to 30%. Guardian SEA GPS tracking can show when a driver is idling or engaging in aggressive driving behaviour. A fleet manager can use this data and take steps to mitigate the issue to reduce fuel costs.
2. Reduce Risk
GPS tracking technology provided by Guardian SEA can help reduce risk due to destructive driving behaviours. Bad driving behaviours can lead to accidents, leading to additional costs due to equipment damage and expenses due to injuries. Accidents can also damage a company’s image and reputation, which can lead to a massive loss of revenue. Effective use of GPS tracking technology can allow a fleet manager to mitigate this risk and reduce instances of accidents. Safety policies can be put in place more effectively based on the data from the tracking system.
3. Improved Customer Service
GPS tracking provides real-time data on current driver progress, allowing dispatchers to provide ETA for customers when requested. Customer demands have grown in recent years and expect real-time information. An organization that adapts and fulfills its customers’ needs will keep its customers happy. Customer satisfaction equals increased customer confidence which can lead to customer loyalty. A reliable company with a good reputation for customer service reliability and efficiency is more likely to expand its customer base.
4. Improved Dispatch Efficiency
GPS tracking can be of immense help to dispatch as this allows for more efficient route optimization and tracking for deployed vehicles. Being aware of where the location of the vehicles and the route they are following enable a dispatcher to be better able to assist drivers by providing the most optimal routes. GPS data can help reduce fuel costs for the organization in this way. GPS can also assist dispatch in responding to emergencies in case of vehicle breakdowns. Being aware of which vehicles are nearby to provide assistance to a vehicle that broke down makes it far more efficient than just calling random drivers to inquire about their current location.
Not all GPS tracking software has the same capabilities. Guardian SEA GPS tracking system provides accurate data so a fleet manager can feel confident with its accuracy. Guardian SEA’s fleet management solutions offer comprehensive and versatile tools that can significantly assist an organization in streamlining its operation. An efficient operation can substantially reduce the cost of running the business and keep it profitable