Fuel costs are constantly increasing worldwide and are a cause for concern as this directly impacts an organization’s profitability. There are several different methods that an organization that operates a fleet can implement to deal with the issue to maintain profitability, such as transitioning to electric vehicles. However, the easiest way for a business to address the case is to improve fleet fuel efficiency by improving driver behaviours.
Factors That Impact Fuel Efficiency
Several factors can impact a fleet’s fuel efficiency, such as the condition and age of the vehicle. One of the main contributors, however, is the driver’s driving behaviour. Bad driving habits will cause the organization increased fuel costs. Drivers who speed, idle, and even perform harsh braking are all factors that increase fuel consumption, which can, in turn, increase your operating expenses. Bad driving can also cause additional, unneeded wear and tear to the vehicle. Wear and tear will degrade the vehicle, possibly affect the engine and further reduce fuel efficiency. These factors will negatively affect an organization’s bottom line.
Good Driver Behaviour Equals Efficiency
Improving an organization’s driver’s behaviour can improve fuel efficiency and lower operational costs. Improving driver habits reduces operating costs and improves the safety profile of an organization. Guardian SEA provides a way for an organization and fleet managers to monitor and improve driver behaviour.
By adopting our advanced Guardian’s telematic system, fleet managers will have the tools on hand to pinpoint individual drivers’ habits that need improvement. Our system can give the fleet manager a direct view of the drivers’ actions in real-time and provide historical data to figure out trends and areas of improvement.
Factors that negatively impact fuel consumption, such as speeding, sudden acceleration, harsh braking or cornering, are all detected in real-time.Having this data and reports available gives valuable insight to the fleet manager and allows for measures to be taken to correct the bad behaviour.
Alerts are available in real-time as well. Alerts will inform the driver and fleet manager when an infraction has occurred. This feature is valuable as this can constantly remind a driver to drive safe and a fleet manager to keep on top of the operation.
Guardian SEA System Advantages
- Guardian SEA can help reduce instances of speeding. Our powerful platform allows fleet managers by making them aware of the drivers’ speed profile. Real-time data and historical reports are available in easy to read reports. Addressing the speeding issue not only helps with fuel efficiency but also reduces the possibility of receiving a ticket and keeping the driver driving safely.
- Guardian SEA can help reduce operational costs. Fleet managers can now efficiently work with drivers to increase efficiency and reduce operating costs. The data provided by Guardian allows the fleet manager to derive insights on driver behaviour and tailor-fit a program to improve driver performance.
- GPS Tracking is another powerful feature that can impact fuel efficiency. The Guardian system gives the fleet manager a birds-eye view of the vehicles in transit, how fast they are going or if they are idling for whatever reason and wasting fuel.
- Guardian SEA helps reduce fleet maintenance costs. Aggressive and unsafe driving patterns increases the wear and tear of a vehicle. Guardian can help protect your investment from bad drivers through our monitoring tools.
Guardian SEA provides the right tools to take better control of your fleet. Installing our system in your fleet will allow your organization and fleet manager to optimize the operation of your fleet, reduce fuel and maintenance costs and address driver issues. More importantly, our tool will help you reduce costs and keep your drivers driving safely on the road